Robert Fripp

Robert Fripp's Diary

Friday 12 September 2003

The Sun amp Moon Bredonborough


The Sun & Moon, Bredonborough.

A day of catching-up - unpacking, laundry, shopping, changing strings & practising.

The Sun & Moon is/are almost jumping tonight. Two middle-age characters on my left are discussing the price of houses on the street, and one of them is now on his feet to buy another round. The one sitting has lit a cigarette. This is a conversation that might last forever or until time please! is called. Four people are on the table just over, one is twenty-something, two are thirties, and the fourth is an old codger. The old codger is almost able to speak, but only just, and mostly his conversation is unintelligible. This is accepted in good cheer by the three others around the table. The other half of the bar would once have been the lounge bar, and this half the public bar (for the lower sort of person). The former-lounge has six people. That's almost jumping in this pub. No hits of the Sixties are playing this evening: the Noise Pollution System is off. Hooray! Lights flash on a gaming machine, and that is also not in use. Another hooray!

Tonight David has A Very Late Shift with his cousin Toby. They are finalising the Double DVD Of Endless Late Nights And Continuing Aggravation. Tomorrow morning the final DVD master is being driven to Southampton where a courier firm guarantee delivery to the US by Monday. The film of the Japanese show came into Heathrow last night, two days after the promise that it would arrive at Heathrow on Tuesday. Today is the deadline for manufacturing in America so, hopefully, Monday will be acceptable to Sanctuary.

There is one salient point to be noted: all of those factors that fall under DGM control & responsibility have been honoured & met. Regrettably, otherwise not. The distance between the standard required and what we are given is a distance that is conventionally left to be filled by David & Robert. We have both had enough of filling that space. Creative, fulfilling lives are waiting for us and we are keen to embrace them. Changes are in the air, and getting closer to materialising.

Backtracking --

Wednesday 10th. September: a mainly uneventful return flight from Atlanta via Washington.

Thursday 11th. September: Washington>London was full & landed 10 minutes early at 05.45. A few hours sleep at Chez Chiswick, lunch with T and then driving up to Bredonborough for an important meeting at 17.00.

